Episodes: Masonry

Browse Through Our Episodes

NHS Finance Director Recruitment

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about the NHS, and how it is organised in the UK into 232 trusts, its the largest non-military employer in the world with...

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Media Finance Director Recruitment

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about recruiting Finance Directors with experience of the Media sector.   FD Capital Recruitment are a niche FD and CFO Recruitment service which specialise...

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Local Government Finance Director Recruitment

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence an experienced local Government politician himself talks about Local Government and how things have changed and developed over the last 20 years. If you...

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Leicester Finance Directors

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about recruiting Finance Directors in Leicester.   Leicester is a great location in the East Midlands of the UK and its a city with...

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London CFO Recruitment

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about how FD Capital Recruitment are an FD and CFO recruitment boutique based in Great Portland Street London and that their Unique Selling...

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The Hospitality and Leisure sectors in the UK are bouncing back strongly

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about the UK Hospitality and Leisure sectors, these were amongst the worse hit sectors during pandemic and had to close their premises as...

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Education Finance Directors

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about the Education sector in the UK and how interesting roles regularly come in for example in the E-Learning space.   FD Capital Recruitment...

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Gibraltar Finance Director Recruitment

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about FD and CFO opportunities in Gibraltar, the island is small but located in a strategic position at the tip of the coast...

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SEO Savvy Finance Directors

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about the benefits of having an SEO / Search Marketing Savvy Finance Director on your senior management team.    FD Capital are a...

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Construction Sector FD Recruitment

In todays episode Adrian Lawrence FCA talks about the UK Construction sector and FD recruitment.  The Construction sector is a key part if the UK economy and employs several...

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Canterbury Finance Directors

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence FCA talks about Canterbury in Kent and whilst it is best known as the base for the archbishop of Canterbury it is a great...

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Blackpool Finance Directors

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about Blackpool Finance Directors, Blackpool is well known in the UK for its week of illuminations and for its tram network.   It has...

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