Archives: Episode

FD Capital joins the living wage foundation

In todays episode Adrian Lawrence talks about how FD Capital Recruitment a leading FD and CFO recruitment boutique aimed at founders in London and the South East of the UK, has joined the living wage foundation. The living wage foundations aims align with those of the Directors of FD Capital, being the elimination on in…

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Promoting a SaaS website

In todays episode Adrian Lawrence from FD Capital Recruitment, a leading London based FD and CFO boutique talks about how Software as a Service websites promote themselves online.  In particular how important it is to find a high quality SEO professional to work with that guides a business to use the right white hat approach…

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CFO and FD Recruitment

In todays episode Adrian Lawrence talks about FD and CFO Recruitment and how FD capital recruitment handles senior finance recruitment, we are based in Great Portland Street and from there cover London and the South East, we do handle UK nationwide recruitment and from time to time international opportunities as well. Our work split is…

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CFO Recruitment

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about FD Capital Recruitment now offer CFOs, around one third of all our recruitment is now at the CFO level and we are getting a lot of attention and traction through our popular website.   The CFO role is a great area to be active in as the candidates are…

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International Opportunities with FD Capital Recruitment

In todays episode Adrian Lawrence talks about international opportunities with FD Capital, they are a leading FD and CFO recruitment boutique based in Great Portland Street London from where they service the London area and the South East, in 2021 they formed an International team and now are picking up opportunities from International clients. We…

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The CFO and FD job market in October 2021

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence from FD Capital Recruitment a leading niche FD and CFO recruitment boutique talks about the Job Market for FDs and CFOs in October 21, and how it has gotten much busier in the period since the end of September 2021. FD Capital are recruiting a good number of positions currently,…

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Part-Time FD or Part-Time CFO

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about Part-Time FDs and Part-Time CFOs as a solution for businesses who need the skills and experience that an FD or CFO brings with them but can not yet justify a full time cost.   There is a growing market for fractional time senior finance professionals and FD Capital Recruitment…

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Start-up Funding options for UK companies

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about the UK as a location for new business start-ups.  The UK is fortunate in that it is very focussed on supporting early stage businesses, the Government has setup a niche bank to offer self certified loans to new businesses, and there are many grant scheme available from both…

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FD Capital Recruitment Service Options

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about the various service options available from FD Capital Recruitment, they are a popular London based niche FD and CFO recruitment services and offer:- Part-Time FDs and CFOs – Fractional time available senior financial professionals. Portfolio FDs and CFOs – being a financial professional who works for more than…

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The London CFO Market in 2021

In today’s episode Adrian Lawrence talks about the London CFO Market in 2021, FD Capital Recruitment are a niche FD and CFO Recruitment boutique based in Great Portland Street and we are seeing a lot of activity as companies are seeking new CFOs particularly in PE funded businesses and the technology niche, both markets we…

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